
كيف يبني وكلاء العقارات علاقات قوية ويعززون المجتمع في جميع أنحاء كندا؟

uncommon ⁤for a veteran‍ like myself, with close to⁣ four decades in this business, to sell to​ three⁢ or four generations ‌in the same family.”

Andrade emphasized the ⁤importance of ‌regular communication and personal touches. ⁢“I am a big and strong proponent of the personal touch. ⁣I love handwritten notes, telephone calls, and visits to past and current clients,” he⁢ said. “This keeps us in touch; ​it ‍makes us good human⁤ beings and professionals. It⁣ makes so much​ sense.”

Being ‌active in all aspects of ⁣your ‍community

Tim Somerville, a REALTOR® with Royal LePage Atlantic ⁣in Saint John, ​New Brunswick, believes that REALTORS® ⁢should ⁤show their communities that ‍they are people too. His team is working on bringing the Walk a Mile ​in⁣ Her Shoes event to Saint John this year after participating last year in Fredericton. They also ⁣sponsor movie nights at local theaters and participate⁢ actively ‍in community events.

“We put everything into it,” said Somerville. ⁢“I’m ‍constantly‌ involved​ in the⁢ community. When they see me, it’s⁤ not just because of⁢ real estate—if ‍they see we are putting everything into our community efforts, ‌then they​ know we’ll do the same when selling‍ their home.”

Mike Heddle, a ⁤broker with Royal LePage State Realty in Hamilton, Ontario,‍ noted that top-performing REALTORS® share this‍ mindset.

He takes more of a consultative approach rather than just being a salesperson by building ⁣long-term relationships with clients through ⁣various services such as renting out movie theaters for⁤ screenings ⁢or sending⁢ home equity reports around tax ⁤time.

“We’re primarily ⁢referral-based—we don’t spend much on‍ billboards or traditional marketing,” ⁤he explained. “It’s about⁤ delivering value and checking-in regularly so that when ‍someone thinks about real estate ‍transactions, my name is at the forefront.”

If you ⁤have ⁤tips on how to build lasting relationships with clients or⁢ want to share your experiences as an agent staying connected over time, feel free to leave your thoughts below!

The article⁣ highlights the⁢ impactful community efforts of various REALTORS® across Canada,‌ showcasing how⁣ they have stepped up during challenging ⁣times and built lasting relationships with their clients.⁤

  1. Community Support During Crisis: Phil Moore, a broker in Burnaby, BC, collaborated with‍ local REALTORS® to organize helicopter runs delivering ​food and supplies to over 1,200⁢ people ‌cut off by flooding⁣ in⁢ 2021. This initiative demonstrated the commitment of real estate professionals to their communities beyond ⁣transactions.
  1. Personal Connections:​ Laura Keller​ from Carleton Place emphasizes maintaining personal connections with clients over the years through thoughtful gestures like birthday messages and hosting events such as ​family portrait sessions and Thanksgiving parties. Her approach has fostered friendships that extend beyond business.
  1. Emotional Engagement: Manny⁢ Andrade ⁢from Toronto focuses on ⁢the emotional aspects of real estate ⁣transactions, recognizing them as significant life events for clients. He advocates ​for regular communication through handwritten notes and phone calls to‌ strengthen ⁤relationships.
  1. Active Community Involvement: Tim Somerville from Saint John is involved ​in various⁢ community activities including sponsoring local events and coaching sports teams, which helps ⁣him connect⁤ with residents on ‍a​ personal level⁣ rather than just as a REALTOR®.
  1. Consultative Approach: Mike Heddle from Hamilton takes a consultative approach by⁣ offering services that add value beyond traditional sales tactics—like renting movie theaters for​ client screenings—fostering long-term relationships based on trust and support.

these REALTORS® illustrate that being active in their communities and⁢ nurturing ‌personal connections can lead to successful careers built on referrals rather⁤ than conventional marketing strategies. The emphasis is placed⁢ not⁤ only on selling homes ⁣but also on making meaningful contributions⁢ to society while ‌building lasting​ client relationships.

ماريا عبد الرحمان

مرحبًا! أنا ماريا عبد الرحمان، كاتبة محتوى ومتخصصة في الشؤون الثقافية والاجتماعية. حصلت على درجة البكالوريوس في الأدب العربي من جامعة القاهرة، وأنا متحمسة لنقل المعرفة ومشاركة القصص والأخبار التي تهم القراء العرب في جميع أنحاء العالم. أعشق الكتابة والإبداع، وأسعى دائمًا لتقديم محتوى غني ومفيد يلبي اهتمامات جمهورنا. من خلال عملي في Arabic-Canada.com (كندا بالعربي)، أهدف إلى تسليط الضوء على قضايا الهجرة، والتعليم، والثقافة، والحياة اليومية في كندا، وتقديم النصائح والمعلومات التي تساعد القادمين الجدد على الاندماج بسهولة والنجاح في حياتهم الجديدة. تابعوا مقالاتي للحصول على رؤى عميقة ونصائح قيمة حول الحياة في كندا وكل ما يتعلق بالمجتمع الكندي. إذا كان لديكم أي استفسارات أو مواضيع ترغبون في أن أتحدث عنها، فلا تترددوا في التواصل معي.

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