
قراءة نهاية الأسبوع: توقعات الأسهم على المدى الطويل التي يجب أن تعرفها!

Henry Mah, an 80-something passionate DIY investor, recently shared some insightful financial wisdom ⁢that ‍emphasizes the importance of having ‍a ⁤structured approach ⁢to investing. Here are his key ⁤points:

  1. You ‌must have a​ goal: Establishing clear financial objectives is crucial for guiding your investment decisions.
  1. You must have reasonable assumptions: It’s important to base your investment strategies on realistic expectations⁤ rather than overly optimistic forecasts.
  1. You must monitor your income, expenses,‌ assets, and liabilities: Regularly⁣ reviewing your financial ⁢situation helps you⁢ stay on⁤ track and make‌ informed adjustments as needed.
  1. It’s​ not about recent investment performance:‌ Focus on long-term trends rather than​ short-term fluctuations in the market.
  1. It⁤ takes⁣ a ⁤leap of⁣ faith that things are ⁢going‍ to average out: ⁤Trust in ​the market’s ability to‌ recover over time can help you⁣ maintain perspective⁢ during downturns.
  1. Make​ your plan durable; it’s not something you do ⁤once: Financial planning is ⁣an ongoing process that requires regular updates⁣ and revisions based​ on ⁤changing circumstances and goals.

These principles serve as a ⁣solid foundation for ⁣anyone looking to navigate their ⁤financial journey effectively.

In response to ​reader inquiries about specific investments, Mark Seed ‌from My Own ⁤Advisor⁣ compared his ⁣Canadian RRSP holdings ‌against XAW (an ETF) ​and noted that his U.S. stock selections‍ have outperformed XAW since 2016. He encourages readers to⁢ consider their own portfolios⁣ critically while also providing resources for further learning about dividend ‌investing and low-cost ETFs through his blog.

For those interested in personalized retirement‌ projections ⁤or tailored advice regarding wealth-building strategies, Mark offers services ​through his site Cashflows & Portfolios, emphasizing the importance of individualized planning in achieving financial independence.

this weekend reading ​highlights both practical advice from seasoned investors like Henry Mah and⁣ ongoing discussions ‌within the DIY ⁤investing ‌community ⁤led by figures like​ Mark Seed.Henry Mah, an 80-something passionate⁢ DIY ‍investor, recently shared some insightful financial wisdom that emphasizes the importance‌ of having ‌a structured approach ‌to investing. Here ⁤are ⁤his key points:

  1. Have⁣ a Goal: Establishing clear ⁣financial objectives is crucial for ‌guiding your investment‍ decisions.
  1. Reasonable ⁤Assumptions: ‌It’s important to base your investment strategies‍ on realistic ⁤expectations rather than ‌overly optimistic ⁣projections.
  1. Monitor Financials: Regularly tracking your income, expenses, assets, and liabilities helps maintain‌ awareness of your financial ⁤health.
  1. Focus Beyond Recent ‍Performance: Investment decisions​ should not be solely based⁢ on recent‍ performance; ⁢consider long-term trends and fundamentals instead.
  1. Leap of Faith: Trust that over time, investments will average⁤ out despite short-term volatility.
  1. Durable Planning: Financial planning is ⁢an ongoing‍ process that requires regular updates ⁢and adjustments rather ⁤than a one-time effort.

These principles serve as a solid foundation for anyone looking to ‌navigate their financial journey effectively.

In response to‍ reader inquiries about investment performance ‍comparisons (specifically regarding CDN RRSP holdings ‌versus XAW), it’s noted that personal portfolios⁤ can ‌outperform ⁤broader‍ indexes depending ‌on ⁣individual‍ stock selections‌ and ​market conditions over time. The author ‍reflects ⁣on their conservative return projections while acknowledging the ⁤unpredictability ​of future market performance—highlighting the importance⁣ of continuous planning and adaptability⁢ in one’s⁢ investment strategy.

For those interested in​ further resources ⁣or​ personalized ⁤assistance with retirement⁢ planning or portfolio ⁣management, various tools and services are available through platforms⁣ like “My Own Advisor” and “Cashflows & Portfolios.”Henry‌ Mah, an 80-something‌ passionate DIY investor,⁢ recently shared some insightful financial wisdom that emphasizes the importance of⁤ having ⁢a ⁣structured approach to investing. ⁤Here are ​his key points:

  1. You must have a ⁤goal: Establishing clear financial objectives is crucial for guiding your investment decisions.
  1. You ​must have⁢ reasonable assumptions: It’s important to ⁣base your⁢ investment strategies​ on realistic expectations rather than overly optimistic projections.
  1. You must monitor your income, expenses, assets,⁢ and liabilities: Regularly reviewing‍ your‌ financial situation helps you stay on track ⁢and make ⁣informed adjustments as needed.
  1. It’s not about recent investment performance: Focus on long-term⁤ trends rather than short-term fluctuations in the market.
  1. It takes a⁣ leap of faith that things are going to ⁣average out: Trust in the market’s ability to recover‌ over time‍ can ‍help ⁤maintain confidence during downturns.
  1. Make your plan durable; it’s not something you do ⁢once: Financial planning ⁤is an ongoing process that requires regular updates and revisions ⁢based ⁣on changing circumstances and goals.

These principles serve as a solid foundation⁢ for anyone ​looking to ⁤navigate their financial journey effectively.

For those interested in comparing different‍ investment ⁤strategies or portfolios, Mark Seed from⁣ My Own Advisor also addressed reader⁤ questions regarding performance comparisons between ⁣various ⁤holdings and⁤ ETFs ⁢like ​XAW (an⁣ international equity ETF). ⁣He highlighted⁣ his own CDN RRSP holdings’ performance against​ XAW since 2016, showcasing how individual‌ stock selections ‍can sometimes outperform broader indices‌ or ETFs over time.

these insights encourage investors to remain disciplined and ⁤proactive in managing their finances‍ while keeping long-term⁢ goals at ‍the forefront of their⁤ strategy.It seems like ‌you’ve shared a detailed ⁢blog post from “My‍ Own Advisor” by Mark Seed, discussing various⁢ aspects of investing, particularly in dividend-paying stocks and ETFs. The post reflects on historical‍ market ​performance, the importance of planning for the future, and insights into personal investment strategies.

Here are some key ‌takeaways ⁤from the content:

  1. Historical Returns: The author notes ⁢that while their portfolio has performed well over 15 years ⁤with a focus on dividend stocks and‍ ETFs, predicting future ​returns remains uncertain. They highlight recent​ trends in the S&P 500’s ‌performance but​ caution against assuming these trends will continue.
  1. Investment Strategy: ⁤There’s an emphasis on adapting‌ investment strategies as one ages—suggesting that‍ younger investors might benefit from being more aggressive (100% in​ stocks), while older investors should ⁤consider shifting towards⁢ income generation ⁣and asset preservation to avoid selling during ‌market downturns.
  1. Financial Planning ⁣Process: The author stresses that the process of financial planning ‌is ⁢crucial rather than​ just focusing ⁢on‍ past performance or forecasts. Key elements include setting goals, making‌ reasonable ⁣assumptions, ⁤monitoring finances regularly, and maintaining flexibility in plans.
  1. Community Insights: The post includes shout-outs to other⁢ successful DIY investors who ⁣share their experiences with dividend income generation—highlighting community engagement within the investing space.
  1. Reader Engagement:‍ A reader ​question about comparing different investment mixes is addressed with personal insights⁤ into portfolio performance relative to specific ​ETFs (like⁤ XAW).
  1. Resources Offered: Mark Seed promotes additional resources available through his website for readers interested in learning more about dividends, ETFs,‍ retirement projections,⁤ and personalized financial advice.

this blog post serves as both a reflection on⁣ past investment‌ experiences and a guide for readers looking to navigate their own financial journeys effectively while considering ‍long-term implications ⁣of their choices.

ماريا عبد الرحمان

مرحبًا! أنا ماريا عبد الرحمان، كاتبة محتوى ومتخصصة في الشؤون الثقافية والاجتماعية. حصلت على درجة البكالوريوس في الأدب العربي من جامعة القاهرة، وأنا متحمسة لنقل المعرفة ومشاركة القصص والأخبار التي تهم القراء العرب في جميع أنحاء العالم. أعشق الكتابة والإبداع، وأسعى دائمًا لتقديم محتوى غني ومفيد يلبي اهتمامات جمهورنا. من خلال عملي في Arabic-Canada.com (كندا بالعربي)، أهدف إلى تسليط الضوء على قضايا الهجرة، والتعليم، والثقافة، والحياة اليومية في كندا، وتقديم النصائح والمعلومات التي تساعد القادمين الجدد على الاندماج بسهولة والنجاح في حياتهم الجديدة. تابعوا مقالاتي للحصول على رؤى عميقة ونصائح قيمة حول الحياة في كندا وكل ما يتعلق بالمجتمع الكندي. إذا كان لديكم أي استفسارات أو مواضيع ترغبون في أن أتحدث عنها، فلا تترددوا في التواصل معي.

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