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It seems like you’ve pasted a portion of an email or document that discusses the topic of disclosing disabilities in the workplace. The text includes links to resources for workers with episodic conditions and information on how to request accommodations at work.
If you need help summarizing this content, extracting specific information, or have any questions about it, please let me know!It seems like you’ve pasted a block of HTML code or formatted text that includes links and some content about disability disclosure in the workplace. If you need help with a specific question or topic related to this content, please let me know! Here are some potential areas I can assist you with:
- Summarizing the Content: I can provide a summary of the main points discussed.
- Understanding Disability Disclosure: I can explain what disability disclosure means and its importance in the workplace.
- Resources for Accommodations: I can help find more information on resources mentioned, such as JDAPT or Settlement.org.
- Resume Tips: If you’re looking for advice on how to handle personal information on resumes, I can provide guidance.
Please specify how you’d like to proceed!It seems like you’ve pasted a portion of HTML code or an email that contains information about disability disclosure and accommodations in the workplace. Here’s a summary of the key points mentioned:
- JDAPT Tool: JDAPT is designed for workers with episodic conditions to help identify necessary support for comfortable, safe, and productive work. More information can be found at JDAPT.
- Accommodation Requests: A primer on requesting accommodations is available at Settlement.org, which provides useful information for individuals planning to ask for workplace accommodations. You can read more here: Settlement.org.
- Disclosure Reasons: The primary reason people disclose personal information related to disabilities is to receive job accommodations, which are legally required modifications that enable employees to perform their essential job duties.
- Legal Obligations: Employers have a legal duty to accommodate employees’ needs unless the request is deemed unreasonable (e.g., eliminating primary responsibilities or lowering production standards).
- Author Information: The article was written by Carter Hammett, who is based in Toronto and works as a writer and social worker.
If you need further assistance or specific details from this content, feel free to ask!It seems like you’ve pasted a portion of an email or document that includes information about resources for individuals with disabilities, particularly in the context of workplace accommodations. Here’s a summary of the key points:
- JDAPT Tool: JDAPT is designed to assist workers with episodic conditions by helping them identify necessary support to work comfortably, safely, and productively. More information can be found at JDAPT.
- Accommodation Primer: A resource available on Settlement.org provides useful information for those looking to request accommodations at work. You can read more about it here.
- Disclosure Considerations: When disclosing a disability, it’s important to consider what you disclose, who you disclose it to, and when you do so. Factors such as workplace culture and personal comfort levels play significant roles.
- Timing and Framing Disclosure: There may not be an ideal time for disclosure; however, framing your situation positively and providing solutions based on past accommodations can help facilitate the conversation.
- Written Communication: Whenever possible, it’s advisable to state your needs in writing.
If you need further assistance or specific details from this text or related topics, feel free to ask!It seems like you’ve pasted a block of HTML code or formatted text that includes links and descriptions related to workplace disclosure for individuals with disabilities. If you need help summarizing the content, extracting specific information, or formatting it differently, please let me know how I can assist you!It seems like you’ve pasted a snippet of HTML content that includes links and information about resources for individuals with disabilities, particularly in the context of workplace accommodations. Here’s a summary of the key points from your text:
- Disclosure Guide: A resource available at Disclosure Guide aimed at helping individuals understand how to disclose their disability in various contexts.
- JDAPT Tool: JDAPT (Job Demands and Accommodations Planning Tool) is designed for workers with episodic conditions to help identify necessary support for comfortable, safe, and productive work. More information can be found at JDAPT Worker Access.
- Accommodation Primer: Settlement.org offers useful information on requesting workplace accommodations, which can be accessed here: How to Ask for Accommodations at Work.
- Author Information: The article is written by Carter Hammett, who is based in Toronto and works as a writer and social worker.
- Original Article Source: This content appears to originate from an article titled “The fine art of disclosure: When and how to talk about your disability” published on Canadian Immigrant’s website.
If you need further assistance or specific details regarding any part of this content, feel free to ask!
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